IMPS 2023 Welcome Reception and Poster Session


The Welcome Reception will be in combination with the Poster Session Reception located at The Hotel at the University of Maryland (7777 Baltimore Avenue). 

Light hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar will be provided by the Psychometric Society.

During the Welcome Reception, meeting attendees may explore a diverse collection of psychometric research at the conference poster session reception.

Presenters will be standing by their posters from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. in this casual and fun setting.

Please click on following pdf to view the IMPS 2023 list of poster titles and presenters: Poster Session - Poster Assignments

Additional information for poster presenters can be found on the poster presenter information page.

Your guest is welcome to attend the reception for an additional fee. Stop by the IMPS registration desk (Grand Ballroom Lounge [First Floor]) located at the Stamps Union on the UMD campus to inquire.

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