To become a new member, please use the new
members’ Online
To renew your membership, please use the
Renewal Form.
As an alternative to the online application, you
can download the Psychometric Society Membership Form with the option of paying
by check or providing your credit card information. If you need
help, please contact the membership coordinator
If you join or renew before the annual meeting, you receive a discount on
the conference fees. If you join or renew any time after the
meeting, you receive membership benefits immediately.
Member Benefits
As a member of the Psychometric Society, you:
- Help promote psychometrics
- Join a community of members from over 50 countries
- Receive online access to all articles that have been
published in Psychometrika, as well as articles to be published
before they make it into print
- Receive discounts (between 20% and 30%) on books by four
important publishers: Springer, CRC Press, SAGE, and Wiley
- Receive a considerable discount when registering for
the annual conferences
- Can vote for President and
other officers of the Psychometric Society
- Can view and choose to be listed in the members directory
- Can choose to have your photo displayed, by random selection,
under Featured Members
- Have the opportunity to win awards that are available only to members
- Can get involved by joining one of the
interesting committees
Membership Dues
- Student: $25
- Regular: $90
- Emeritus: $25
- Family: $110
- Emerging Nations*: $25
*Emerging Nations membership is available to any individuals who
reside and work in countries where per capita gross national
income does not exceed $15,000 per person per year. For a
current list, click here.
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