Parallel Session Oral Presenters


Thanks for the upload of your video and presentation files within the Ex Ordo system (for those that haven’t uploaded, please try to do so very soon!). This document provides more information about how we are planning the live oral presentation parallel sessions to run. Each parallel session runs only 35 minutes. You currently have a date, time and stage room location assigned for your presentation that you can find in the Ex Ordo system (please visit and enter your name in the search box on the home page, or else access an electronic copy of the program schedule from the Psychometric Society webpage.

When the time for your session comes, please enter your assigned stage room at least 5 minutes before the session starts. You can enter the live stage rooms under the “Live” menu once you have logged in at

As indicated in an earlier email, the live sessions will only run on a Windows or Mac system (e.g., they will NOT run on Linux). We regret this limitation as we know some of you use other systems.

Assuming you are using either a Windows or Mac system, when you attempt to enter a live session for the first time, the version of Cisco WebEx Events for our conference will be installed on your computer. As a result, it is important to attend a rehearsal session (we will schedule a few additional ones in the week before the conference starts) to be sure of your ability to enter the live session and share your summary presentation file in a way that isn’t delayed by the need to install software.

Once you enter the live session of your presentation, you will initially enter as an “attendee,” but will be identified by one of the “hosts” of the session as a presenting author in the session, and promoted to the role of “panelist,” which gives you the ability to control your audio in the session, so that you can speak. During your talk you can also control your video camera when presenting. It is important to note that when you are not presenting, please be sure to mute yourself and turn off your camera.

When entering into the stage for the session, all attendees are muted until promoted to panelist status. If for whatever reason you are not identified as a presenter and promoted to a panelist, please alert the host and other panelists that you need to be promoted using the Chat feature. They will see your message and promote you to panelist.

If you are unable to log in and have technical issues, please email: If they are unable to assist you, you may also opt instead to call in via audio only to present your summary by phone. To receive the conference line # for the stage you are presenting at please email the Society’s National Office at: (Tip: Please plan accordingly and avoid requesting this information last minute, as we cannot guarantee the support staff will be able to respond in time.)

Each session will have a session chair (identified in the program) who introduces you and moderates the session. Following the order listed in the program, the session chair will ask each presenting author to provide a 3-4 minute summary of their presentation. You should be prepared (and have open on your computer) the slides you wish to share during this time. After you are introduced, you will be assigned presenter status and can then share your presentation slides.

The session chairs will have to enforce the time limit on each presenter to help ensure all presenters can present their summaries and ensure there is still time for questions. So it may be good to rehearse the summary of your presentation to be sure it fits in the time limit.

After the presentation summaries are finished, the session chair will select from questions that have been posted in the Chat during the live session to ask the individual presenters. These questions may come from questions posted by attendees during the live session itself or questions posted earlier by viewers of your prerecorded presentation under the OnDemand presentations. So you do not need to read or follow the questions being posted in the Chat during the live presentation itself.

As soon as the session ends, you will be moved back to “attendee” status so that the next session’s presenters can be made panelists.

We hope this helps clarify what you need to know for the live session events. We also encourage you to briefly visit these two sites prior to your session to further assist you through the virtual system for attending a live stage event:

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