Available Books


Books Available for Review: (sorted by last name of first author)

  • Geiser, C. (2020). Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling with Mplus: A Latent State-Trait Perspective. Guilford Press. 332 pages. USD$51,00. ISBN 9781462538782. Publisher’s description

If you are interested in reviewing one of these books or would like to suggest a book for review, please contact the Book Review Editor:

Maarten Marsman, Psychometrika Book Review Editor
Department of Psychological Methods
University of Amsterdam
G-Building, room 0.32
Nieuwe Achtergracht 129B
Letter: PO Box 15906, 1001 NK Amsterdam
Parcel: Valckenierstraat 59, 1018 XE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
E-mail: reviews@psychometrika.org

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