Psychometric Society Response to Racism

The society responds to worldwide events surrounding racism and injustice.

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In a response to the recent events in the US and elsewhere around the world, the Psychometric Society strongly condemns all forms of racism and racial injustice.

As an organization dedicated to the development and application of methodological tools in the social sciences that seek objectivity, the Psychometric Society has a unique calling to help identify and root out the various forms of racial bias that occur in research and its applications in the outside world. The events of the past weeks in particular lead us to re-evaluate the presence of both subtle and not-so-subtle forms of such bias. We pledge to make greater efforts to combat all instances of racism in our research and professional activities, and to devote greater attention to research areas that help facilitate inclusion and that serve productive social goals.

Further, as a professional society that seeks to expand its reach to persons of all nations and races, we pledge to expand our efforts to address the underrepresentation of minorities in our Society’s membership. We become stronger, both as an organization and as a research discipline, with a more diverse membership.

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